
Bath Mobility Aids – Safety and Comfort Combined

Making your daily bath routine easier can be done in one of two ways: with a bath lift or with a tub chair. You might be wondering which option is best for you. Well, each has its advantages and disadvantages. Read on and find out more!

A bath lift can make it easier to bathe those who are unable to get into the tub without assistance – yet these lifts are not always low enough to the ground to get in from a wheelchair, so they may not work for everyone. When folded, the bath lift gets more of your body into the water, and it is easier to take off when you are done.

A tub chair can be used in a wheelchair or in a bed. It can also be folded up with one hand, allowing you to transfer back into your wheelchair or into another position easier. A tub chair also has never been designed for use on and over slippery or uneven surfaces – which makes it harder for people with mobility issues to transfer from it when bathing.

The fact is: both kinds of bath aids share many similarities – and both have their benefits during familiar bathing routines.

The main difference between the two will come down to one’s needs and budget.

What Bath Aids Are Used For

Bath Lifts: These are used most often by those who are unable to get into a bath or shower with any sort of assistance – or without even having a bath lift. These lifts raise the person up enough for them to use the toilet and for them to have something to stand up on without facing any injuries from slipping in the tub. They also allow for easier transfers into and out of the tub, and when using them in a wheelchair, they provide extra support that helps you not slip as you wash.

Tub Chairs: Tub chairs are used when you cannot get into an ordinary tub. This may be because a wheelchair is needed or because of the lack of space in your bathroom. Some people may use them to shower as well, but they are more commonly used just for bathing purposes. When using a tub chair, it can be flipped forward (this is also when being bathed) so that the user can get up and down without slipping, and it can be folded up and carried with one finger making it easy to transport from one place to another.

Getting In and Out of the Bath

With both kinds of bath aids, it is possible to use a special cushion that fits into the chair or lift. This gives you more support, so you don’t slip and injure yourself when getting into or out of the chair or lift. You can also use a transfer board (sometimes called a Geri board) when getting in and out of both kinds of bath aids.

The Tub Chair or Lift?

If you are using a tub chair, then you will probably only be able to choose between the two mentioned above – unless you have an extremely large bathroom which gives enough space for a regular bathtub.